Day 10 Go West!


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day 10 on Adina and we were finally south of the Verdes. The wind so frustratingly comes and goes and to be honest has made a mockery of our routing strategy. That’s sailing and weather forecasts for you, we got it wrong and eat humble pie but we’ll fight on.

4am the wind got up, the girls were on watch thinking these are our treasured trade winds, got excited, but needed to ‘reef’ (get rid of some sail). Unfortunately the furling mechanism which furls our genoa away is electric and failed. The manual override worked for a while then also failed! Heart rates did rise a tad as they do. We went through options for if the wind picked up and decided there was nothing to do but wait for daylight when we could see and assess properly.

Gareth and Susie working on the furler

Gareth and Susie working on the furler

The winds dropped and as dawn rose Neil, Lindsay and Tom worked together unwrapping the sail and dropped it on the deck (a good hour’s job). Then the engineering A team of Susie and Gareth took over and opened the furling mechanism – the drive belt was in pieces. Never give up and after some brain storming we took a drive belt off a bilge pump and gingerly tried it. It worked a treat! It was a real example of team work – from imminent gloom we had recovered with everyone contributing. Bacon butties all round was our reward.

1pm and the daily SSB call. Ironically it’s the fleet north who were meant to be in light winds who have now got NE winds. Skipper was seen to be stomping around shouting and waving his arms – perhaps a good thing there was no weather forecaster in sight.

But the mood swung again as the fishing rod went flying out. We hauled the catch in, tried to gaff it unsuccessfully, but still got it on deck by hand – a beautiful green, yellow and blue Dorado. Alas, with a hop, skip and a leap it was off the hook, Adina crew like England cricket fielders trying desperately to catch it but it slipped through our grasp and was back in the Atlantic pond.

Adina never gives up! Five minutes later another catch, something bigger. In it came but then the fishing line inexplicably decided to tangle with our long towable generator line. What a mess and another catch was off! Dorado – we have you marked and we will be back. Sashimi and sushi we will make of you.

Over sundowners of chorizo and olives, we laughed at it all. What a day! Request is in tomorrow for spinnaker flying, sunshine and a landed Dorado.

Yesterdays quiz as to who made there own hand held bench vice and has it onboard is the multi talented Susie Plume! Today’s question who has a much loved Mallard duck named Harold onboard?

This is the Adina crew singing Pet Shop Boys “Go West, there’s sunshine there, Go West, we’re heading to St.Lu-cia, Go West, we’ll find some rum to share, Go West that’s if the winds stay fair…”

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9 responses to “Day 10 Go West!

  1. Richard Plume says:

    Well done Susie and Gareth for fixing the broken drive belt. I guess a pair of tights wouldn’t quite hack it for a furling mechanism! However, did you find out why the manual overide mechanism didn’t work? Fallback arrangements are important.

    As for Tom dropping the fish back in the ocean, well what can one say!!!

  2. Laurie &Jean Meyrick says:

    Hi all on Adina,
    I have been following your blog avidly and only wish that I was with you sharing your adventure. Unfortunately my many skills do not extend to angling so I wouldn’t be able to assist you in this particular shortfall. I do have a technical question though, why does you altitude keep changing, I have noted various readings ranging from 15 mts down to 2 mts. Thinking about possible causes I have imagined changes in barometric pressure, wave action and tide effect but feel sure that it must be that the yellow brick sensor is actually in Tom’s pocket and on occasions he climbs the mast trying to see where the winds are. You need to be aware that on these occasions your position is recorded.
    I do believe that if the duck in question looks rather like a mallard it is probably on loan to Neil courtesy of Hallie. I hope that you find the winds that you desire and that the ocean is kind to you. Safe journey.

  3. Sarah G says:

    Dear Adina crew, love this latest post, especially your Pet Shop Boys Adina Remix. Sounds like adventures are in full force as the winds are beginning to be! Hope you have a good night ahead of you. Love lots Sarah G

  4. Janette says:

    Harold is Neil’s companion. I’m his American Auntie and am thoroughly enjoying getting to follow your adventure from my chair at home. I love all the happenings. Having spent some time at sea in Alaska many years ago I can appreciate the challenge you face. I love the bread baking cookie making and fish stories. Smooth and happy sailing to all!

  5. Barnaby Farrell-Wright says:

    HAROLD!!!!! ………..and Adina Crew,
    Well how exciting for Harold, what a special trip for the best duck in the world, I bet he is all puffed up and most intrigued with all the water (careful though Harold it tastes yucky). I have an unfair advantage on this and I know that Harold is Neil’s to cuddle.
    I am sorry that the wind is being so frustrating it sounds like it might be able to make you more and more grumpy if it tried really hard. I don’t like being grumpy either and right now my teeth are trying very hard to spoil my fun (pesky teeth). I just wanted you to know that I’m quite glad that you have more time to enjoy your trip and I think your stories would be WAY more rubbish if you were flying along; “passing a lot of blue at the moment…may have been some dolphins, not sure…….too focussed on steering to look at stars” etc etc. No kind of story at all. This way I get quiz’s and songs and stars and everything 🙂
    I hope you are taking lots and lots of photos of everything so that you can make a special journey book with all your blogs and comments when you get back because that would be VERY special.
    I have to go and have some shreddies now but have a good day!
    Love Barnaby xxxxx

  6. 2B says:

    Hi Miss C,

    Better luck next time with the fishing. Have flying fish come on the deck like in Life of Pi?

    We are learning about the Domesday Book and having a great time!

    Good luck,


  7. Anne MacD says:

    Third time lucky with the fish, I’m sure! I’m loving living vicariously through you guys. Thinking about what you guys are doing and how you’re doing is a great distraction from work!

  8. Calum Mercer says:

    Getting very creative already on keeping the ship in running order. You clearly took note of the old sailing saying that “if it can’t be fixed on board maybe it shouldn’t be on board”

    Moving up the rankings nicely too and sounding like so much fun.

    Happy fishing!

  9. Janet Hewitt says:

    Good evening Linz, Tom, Suzie, Gareth, Neil & Harold the duck
    Really enjoying following your adventures – rather you than me. No surprise that it’s Linz with the straighteners – just wonder who are you trying to impress – the fish, dolphins or turtles?! Linz – I know you like your beauty sleep so hope you are coping well when being woken in the middle of the night for your shift! Happy sailing, love Janet & co x. PS News for you – new addition to our family – a bloomin puppy – must be mad!