Day 12 A Buzz of Flying Fish


Friday 6 December 2013

Day 12 and Adina is getting into a rhythm of life at sea.

Gareth takes time to catch up on some DVDs

Gareth takes time to catch up on some DVDs

People appear at various stages of the morning and by afternoon everyone is up. A lot of reading books now – heck even Skip is reading a book. Tom’s reading Tom Sharpe’s Wilt Alternative, Susie has Ben Ainslie, Neil is reading The Black Swan: The impact of the highly improbable, Lindsay is alternating between Trafalgar and The Art of Racing in the Rain (a story about a dog) while Gareth watches DVDs on his ipad.

The parasailor has now been up for nearly 48 hours and flown for two nights, and is still doing a fabulous job. Please, please keep it up nice little parasailor.

Flying fish abound and we see groups of up to 15 in the air – do we call them a school, a pod, a flock? We quite like a buzz of flying fish as they do buzz like bees.

Plumey has been a bit poorly but is on the mend as all the boys breath deep sighs of relief…visions of the Lord of Flies if she didn’t recover.

Given this is proving to be a long trip due to the light winds, our minds are starting to think about making food last. Spam is an utterly last resort, we will eat the dinghy first. In the mean time Gareth made a nice curry using fast expiring leeks.

Each night each comment on the blog is read out loud and enjoyed. We’re going to try and answer some of the questions people have posted us.

Neil’s Dad asked about GPS and why our altitude varied between 2 to 15m. The altitude is calculated by GPS triangulation and there are two error factors. Firstly, if the GPS satellites are too close or too far apart then the GPS’ vertical accuracy can degrade by up to 10 metres. Secondly, the GPS assumes the ocean is a solid and smooth surface when in fact tides and waves move us up and down from this assumed sphere.

Many have asked about the squid landing on our deck and Lindsay ‘inkifying’ them when she accidentally steps on one. We’ve had about four now – we simply think they get deposited by waves.

Onto quiz time, yesterday’s answer as to who said he was going to don a t-shirt as it was getting chilly is Neil. On that note the sea temperature is 27c and we’ve vowed when we get becalmed again we’re going for a swim. Must remember to leave someone on the helm!

Soooo…Who said “I’m sorry I woke you up with my squeals!” after seeing a pod of dolphins.

This is Adina basking in the sun at 14 degrees north.

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10 responses to “Day 12 A Buzz of Flying Fish

  1. Fatty says:

    Gareth made a nice curry using fast expiring leeks. Really! Next you’ll be saying he put celery in the curry!

  2. Heather says:

    You bought Spam….???

  3. Gayle Gerlach says:

    I don’t know the answer to the quiz but I’m banking on it being one of the men!!

    I hope you are eating the squid?

  4. Lorian Mercer says:

    Lindsay is a big squealer and dolphins are awesome – hope you got some photos of them. Somehow Lins managed to send a birthday card from the middle of the Atlantic – well arranged. Good to see that you’re over half way – so no turning back now! Time to start fishing if there’s a threat of spam!

  5. Penny says:

    Was it Lindsay squealing at dolphins? I think I would have squealed too! Sounds like you’re doing amazingly well and very resourceful to have food on board that none of you appear to like (spam). The last resort was never going to be jelly babies or lemon drizzle.. or cocktails for that matter! Bon voyage! xxx ps are you half way nearly?

  6. Juneyxxx says:

    Hi Lins and Adina crew, Are the flying fish big or small I wonder … It sounds magical how you describe it and I imagine them silent, do they just kind of sail by overhead or you hear them coming first? Curious 🙂 we are having a colder spell on west coast and this week had frost on cars which is rare here! Keep the stories coming they are great. Think it was Lins squealing 😉 love juneyxxx

  7. Anne MacD says:

    Feel better Susie!!!!!

  8. Suzannah says:

    Loving the book choice Lins. We are still missing you. Tree arrived tonight, Olly back tomorrow, Christmas is beginning here.

  9. Mike says:

    Seeing as they are attacking you, it’s a squadron of flying fish. Don’t know if it’s urban myth or not but, a flying fish to the side of the noggin can (apparently) knock a person out. Careful on watch! The parasailor appears to be going swimmingly so that’ll mean no dips in the sea until the next lull. Please leave 1 or 2 onboard who are well versed in ship-to-sea recovery when you do some swimming. …did anyone bring one of those strap-on shark fins? do-do do-do do-do 😉

  10. Lou Hoffman says:

    Lindsey Cunningham: Respond if you get this. Dad said you were headed to st Lucia. I am a friend of his and love St Lucia. Hope to meet you later.