Day 20 and some big rollers in the fairground of the Atlantic


Saturday 14 December 2013

So Day 20 on Adina…golly it’s starting to feel like groundhog day! Where is that finish line??

Atlantic rollers

Atlantic rollers

Most used expression today had to be “Wow – look at that one!” in reference to yet another mountainous wave rising above the stern. Winds of 25 plus knots all day long and big Atlantic waves.

On a cheerful note, we haven’t seen dolphins in a few days now so they enlightened the mood and squealing ensued. Putting a gopro on a boat hook to capture them nearly resulted in the gopro being lost due to the force of the water. But they were magnificent – belly rolling and putting on a real show.

Cooking right now requires real courage and with the heat is a guaranteed sauna session. Lindsay knocked up some duck pancakes – ok, it wasn’t Harold and it was chicken. Harold did partake in a photo shoot. Very funny tying him on the wheel and seeing him swing from side to side – he looked like he was having a real blast. Music keeps us going and Lindsay in particular enjoys a sing-a-long.



Cockpit plummeting is the new sport. We can lie on either side of the cockpit but get a rogue wave and you end up on the floor in a heap with a few bruises. Each and every crew member has partaken!

We’re now eating our heavy weather food which is good old Waitrose “Look what we found” – it’s surprisingly cracking stuff and keeps us warm and nourished. Neil even managed a great oil and dried tomatoes bread.

Overnight the winds built and so did the waves – 28-35 knots and even a 40 knot squall. Squalls kept rolling in one after another. Adina has a games type console for the navigation and we take 20 minute turns navigating the autopilot trying to keep the boat on the best course possible. Sleep was pretty much impossible as Adina was tossed around. Truth be told you worry about the strains on the boat and we still have 2 more days of this. Susie got ‘pooped’ by a wave which is a term for a wave coming over you. Wet, wet, wet.

At dawn our towable water generator came out of it’s bracket – we managed to grab it and put on it’s funnel to stop it spinning but a wave grabbed the propeller and line and with a big snap we had lost it. Unhappy boat owners – it had done us so well.

So a new day and more high seas forecast. We’re hanging in here but everyone is longing for the finish now. We’ll soldier on – not long to go. New quiz. Five words that you think crew members of Adina won’t want to hear or will miss… can’t wait to see what people come up with. And thank you again for all the comments – still much loved.

Adina sailing down the mountains of the Atlantic.

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10 responses to “Day 20 and some big rollers in the fairground of the Atlantic

  1. Calum Mercer says:

    Looks like it is getting “interesting” Good to see so much innovation going on too in the face of large waves. You should ask Waitrose for some sponsorship too.

    A couple of quotes seem appropriate

    “Waves are not measured in feet or inches, they are measured in increments of fear.”
    -Buzzy Trent

    “It’s scary to have a 30 foot wave chasing you. If you are steering, you don’t look back. The crew looks back for you, and you watch their faces. When they look straight up, then get ready!”
    – Magnus Olsson

  2. Calum Mercer says:

    The 5 words could be:

    “Shall we do that again?”

  3. Janet Hewitt says:

    Good evening Linz & all the Adina crew
    I have absolutely loved reading about your adventures – you all must be so proud of yourselves – I say that as I am sitting on my big butt watching Strictly & X factor! I have know Linz for over 22 years – (how scary is that!) and I have to say she hasn’t changed a bit – being very exciteable – squealing at dolphins, bursting into song at every opportunity, throwing herself into every challenge and generally being the hostess with the mostess and looking after everyone! Suggestions for your finish line song – bear in mind I’m still at the nursery rhyme stage – row row row your boat (hopefully not!), didn’t Orville the duck sing something like I wish I could fly … (suppose it would have lessened the seasickness!), What do you do with a drunken sailor or sailing – too obvious or maybe just relax! Enjoy your last few days!
    Love Janet, John, Z & F xxxx
    PS Miss – sorry haven’t been checking my spelling – hope I haven’t any red crosses!

  4. Wendy 'n Ces says:

    Sunday check-in
    Wow!! Things have now got REALLY exciting – hang on tight. At the speed you are now travelling you may well get to St Lucia before us and thus win the main race.
    As for short statements (I have been a little flexible with the 5 word limit) you do not want to hear on board, how’s this for a few:-
    1 “Breaking wave astern”. 2 “”person’s name” has just been sick in the boeuf stroganoff I was cooking”. 3 “It’s three in the morning and time for your watch”.
    4 “Sorry chaps, we have been sailing a reciprocal course for the last four days”.
    As for things you want to hear:- 1 “How many for bacon sandwiches and real coffee?” 2 “I just found a spare belt for the foresail furler – you can close down the assembly line on Heath Robinson contraptions” 3 “The wind is abating to a force 3 or 4 and backing/veering to the North/South”. 4 ” Tomorrow you can sit down/stand on something that does not move”.
    When it comes to things you will miss:- 1 “A beautiful full moon reflecting off the sea”. 2 “Water gurgling on the bow”. 3 “Experiencing a relatively simple world that is limited to the confines of the boat – no television, traffic, man-made noise and pollution”.

    That’s only for starters. Enjoy.

    Wendy ‘n Ces

  5. Sandy says:

    Feeling your pain! Not far now, and just think of the rum, parties and beaches. We’re all with you in spirit, willing you on.
    5 words you don’t want to hear? “Sorry guys, false start, re-race”
    Stay safe
    Sandy xx

  6. Lorian Mercer says:

    “Interesting” isn’t the right word by the sounds of it but “challenging” most certainly. I keep anxiously checking the Tracker so let me do the worrying and you can do the sailing. On words, it’s got to be: “it’s not a problem BUT….” Hope the squalls calm down soon and that the dolphins come to escort you safely on to solid ground.

  7. Fatty says:

    5 Words “you’re going the wrong way!”.
    Looking at the tracker Sunday morning I can quite clearly see you are heading to Barbados, and another foolish boat just behind you is following. Everyone else in your rally is heading to St Lucia. It is no wonder you are behind schedule. So hop to it – or is jibe ? and get the boat pointing in the right direction….
    If I was there of course I would be talking to Gareth and pointing out the error of his ways…. and just like when we are lost on car journey in England he would ignore my advice and keep following the sat nav, map or whatever and tell me in a very superior tone of voice that he knows what he is doing and the right way is to keep heading west (south, east ) as the sun is behind us (in front…) , bla, bla, bla and what do I know as I cant navigate my way out a of a wet paper bag!.

  8. Nicky and Colin says:

    Hi Susie, Tom and all of the Adina crew,
    We’re still absolutely loving the blog, it’s fantastic hearing all about your progress and watching the tracker move steadily on. Sounds like steady is the last thing you’re experiencing at the moment, but the line definitely says you’re progressing!
    5 words you won’t want to hear, just like any long journey – are we/you nearly there yet?!
    Hope the mountains turn into mogels soon and the winds are kind to you. Take care, love Nicky and Colin xx

  9. Isla says:

    Hi Sea Survivors!!

    Well you are a bunch of toughies! We have been reading your blogs with laughter, pride, amazement! I bet the marathon seems like a walk in the park compared to this one Plume?

    Not that you guys are the only ones dealing with huge rollers…. we have been riding the turbulent waves of christmas shoppers today – less salty water – but we still came out pretty battered and bruised! 🙂

    We’re thinking of you a lot – and can’t wait to hear all about it in person in Jan.

  10. Juneyxxx says:

    Wow I can’t believe the waves now! Glad the dolphins are back and keeping Lins and crew happy. I bet you all can’t wait till you get there and can have your favorite meals and food/drink for celebrations – I can’t wait either as looking forward to hearing all about the adventures of the sea!!! Miss my two way conversations with lovely Lins xxx
    It is nearly a full moon here and can’t imagine how it must look from the bright blue sea with your dolphins, enjoy your last days of quiet and adventure. Stay safe love juneyxxx