Day 1/2 Pacific Crossing: Farewell the Galapagos Islands
2Monday 14 April 2014
Adina is on her way across the Pacific Ocean. Saturday morning, we woke at 7am and after final boat preparations were ready for the off at 7.40am.
Our departure this time was very different to the start of our crossing of the Atlantic Ocean when we were one of 250 boats taking part in the ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers). Back then it was lots of last minute photographs, boats everywhere, a band playing and crowds waving goodbye.
For the start of our Pacific crossing we did a quick ‘selfie’ photograph as a pelican sat on the bow providing James one more chance to shoot off and chase it away (they do leave a mess!). A sea lion passed alongside popping its head out to say goodbye. Then a small Galapagos penguin swam by to check if there were any last minute fish swimming by our hull, dunking its head in and out of the water as we had so many times observed. As we lifted our anchor and motored out a few blue boobies swooped by. It all seemed entirely appropriate and fitting. How we will miss these islands and their wonderful wildlife.
The forecast was for no winds for 3 days. Our plan is to head south-west to find the south-east trades at around 6 or 7 degrees south, 6 to 7 days sail away. We hope to turn due west into the trades sometime around Friday. We motored till around lunch and much to our surprise we got some wind and have been sailing ever since. That’s not to say it will last!
The predicted confused seas were soon found, choppy and sloppy! As a matter of course we take sea-sickness tablets for the first few days of any long passage. Indeed the first few days you ease into life at sea, slowly acquiring your sea legs, not rushing for fear of being sea sick. Poor Susie, preparing our first dinner, fell victim. Particularly odd as she has never been sick on Adina before – fear not, she was quickly back up and bouncing!
Traditionally our first meal at sea is Chilli Con Carne. Good meat was easily found in Isabela, our port of departure, but no mince so a chilli con carne stew it was. And of course it tasted super. Come 9pm we went into our watch system of three hours on, six hours off. Sheer luxury as Susie and I are used to three hours on, three hours off.
During the night we had some rain and it continued into the morning. Day 2 and we’ve still got some good wind and are heading south west. It’s a bit rocky and rolly at times, but we have wind and are up-and-running!
Boo hiss seasickness! Great work to be sailing though against the forecast – touch wood of course. Don’t forget the fishing rod!
Best of luck guys. We are thinking of you and hope you have a great and safe crossing.
The crew of Millport II